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Why First Ping request timed out

in Network Troubleshooting on September 7, 2012


I have a strange issue where the first ping always times out and connection to the internet is fine. I connect a PC to one of the FastEther ports and I am able to ping the router without any issues. However, the moment I ping an external website i.e. ping www.google.com the first ping request fails. after that the following request come through quickly.



A Cisco router has a default timout of 5 seconds, when you send a ping request and you recieve . instead of ! , this doesnt necessarly mean the packet is not transmited at all , it just means there is no reply to those packets and some time it could be due to a delay higher than those 2 second

If you are pinging a website. This means we first have to get a DNS resolution then ARP resolution and once these are in order we should be able to ping. If the first ping fails that means the first 2 steps are taking longer than expected.

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